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An autonomous, prosperous and sustainable community and council

Housing, and Safe and Healthy Communities Committee







Key portfolio areas for the Housing, and Safe and Healthy Communities Committee include, but are not limited to;

  • Housing
  • Water and Wastewater
  • Accessibility and Transport
  • Health and Wellbeing (including sport and recreation)
  • Master Planning

Housing, and Safe and Healthy Communities Committee Terms of Reference here.


How can Community Members be involved in Standing Committee Meetings?

Members of the public are welcome to attend Committee Meetings as an observer via their local Council office.

Individuals, groups or organisations can make a deputation or address the Committee, by submitting a request in writing to the Chief Executive Officer. Requests are required within 7 business days of the applicable meeting and can be made via email to:


Meeting Minutes & Reports:

Standing Committees meet quarterly via videoconference, unless otherwise scheduled - Agendas, Minutes & Reports will be posted here:


Agendas: Minutes:


Agendas: Minutes:


Agendas: Minutes:


Agendas: Minutes:


Agendas: Minutes:


The Housing, and Safe and Healthy Communities Committee was established following Council endorsement in the July 2020 Ordinary Meeting.