When | What | Who |
Pre-1872 | People of the Torres Strait govern themselves as entirely sovereign peoples. | Torres Strait Islanders |
1871 | Christian missionaries land on Erub. The date, 1 July, is now celebrated annually across the Torres Strait as "The Coming of the Light". | Missionary/Church |
1872 | Queensland Government annexes all Torres Strait islands within a 60 nautical mile radius of the coast of Queensland. | State & Federal Government |
1879 | Queensland Coast Islands Act (Qld) annexes the remaining islands of Boigu, Erub, Mer and Saibai. | State & Federal Government |
1885 | Resident Magistrate the Hon. John Douglas appointed to the Torres Strait. Serves from 1885 until his death in 1904. | State & Federal Government |
1897 | Douglas firmly and successfully opposes Torres Strait Islanders becoming subject to the Queensland Aboriginals Protection and Restriction of the Sale of Opium Acts. | State & Federal Government |
1899 | Protector appointed to Thursday Island, principally engaged in overseeing the employment of mainland Aboriginal people in the fisheries. | State & Federal Government |
1899 | John Douglas instituted a system of island councils to replace the previous system of "mamooses" (island leaders). Torres Strait Islanders were responsible for their own councils, police and courts and empowered to deal with minor crimes through imprisonment or fines. A court house and a gaol were built in every community, along with a church, school and store. | State & Federal Government |
1904 | Reverend Frederick Walker of the London Missionary Society establishes Pacific Industries Ltd (PIL) to assist Torres Strait Islanders become boat owners, skippers and crews in the fishing industry. | Missionary/Church |
1904 | Resident Magistrate the Hon. John Douglas passes away. | State & Federal Government |
1904 | Queensland government uses the death of John Douglas as an opportunity to put Torres Strait Islanders under the Aboriginals Protection and Restriction of the Sale of Opium Acts, known as "the dog act". | State & Federal Government |
1912 - 1926 | Island "reserves" gazetted by the Queensland government. Superintendent / teachers appointed, curfew and pass systems imposed on people, wages placed under Protector's control. Thus although Island Councils continued their authority was greatly restricted. | State & Federal Government |
1930 - 1934 | PIL taken over by the Queensland Government and renamed Aboriginal Industries Board. | State & Federal Government |
1936 | Major strike to protest the Protector and his agent's rule over the Torres Strait | Torres Strait Islanders |
August 1937 | First conference of Torres Strait Islander Councillors. Demands on the Queensland Government included improved services, an end to unpopular regulations and the transfer of power from superintendent-teachers to local councils. | Torres Strait Islanders |
1939 | Second conference of Torres Strait Islander Councillors held. After this conference a new Act is developed based around some of the key changes requested by Councillors. | Torres Strait Islanders |
1939 | Queensland Government repealed its previous Protection legislation and passed the Torres Strait Islanders Act, for the first time legally recognising Islanders as a separate people. Many restrictions remain. | State & Federal Government |
1941 | Torres Strait Islander Infantry formed. | State & Federal Government |
1947 | The first small group of Torres Strait Islanders were officially permitted to travel to the mainland to work. | State & Federal Government |
1962 | Torres Strait Islanders obtain the right to vote in Federal elections. | State & Federal Government |
1964 | Torres Strait Islanders obtain the right to vote in State elections. | State & Federal Government |
1965 | The Torres Strait Islander Act of 1939 is repealed and replaced by the Aborigines and Torres Strait Islander Affairs Act. Almost all the restrictive clauses under the previous Act were removed, including the old restrictions on the right to travel to the mainland. | State & Federal Government |
December 1978 | Torres Strait Treaty signed by the Australian and Papua New Guinea governments, defining the boundaries between the two countries and the use of the sea by both parties. | State & Federal Government |
May 1982 | The Mabo Native Title claim commenced, lodged by Eddie Mabo and four other claimants. | Torres Strait Islanders |
1984 | Community Services (Torres Strait) Act 1984 | State & Federal Government |
February 1985 | Torres Strait Treaty came into operation. | State & Federal Government |
1988 | Torres Strait Leaders Forum calls for greater self-determination | Torres Strait Islanders |
1992 | Mabo Native Title determination. | State & Federal Government |
1994 | TSRA established. | State & Federal Government |
1997 | Torres Strait Islanders: A new deal – A Report on Greater Autonomy for Torres Strait Islanders report to House of Representatives Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs. | State & Federal Government |
2001 | TSRA Greater Autonomy Task Force Bamaga Accord. | Torres Strait Islanders & State & Federal Government |
2008 | TSIRC and NPARC formed. | State & Federal Government |
2009 | TSNPA Regional Plan 2009-2029 created in collaboration between TSRA, TSIRC, TSC and NPARC. | Torres Strait Islanders & Federal Government |
October 2011 | Queensland Premier calls for the Prime Minister to support the move to greater regional autonomy in the Torres Strait. | State & Federal Government |
May 2013 | Deputation to Prime Minister Abbott regarding territorial status for the Torres Strait region. | Torres Strait Islanders |
May 2014 | Joint Leaders’ Forum Coalition Executive meeting calls for a new governance model. | Torres Strait Islanders |
June 2014 | Deputation to Prime Minister Abbott. | Torres Strait Islanders |
June 2015 | Deputation to Mr Warren Entsch MP and Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion regarding governance reform. | Torres Strait Islanders |
August 2015 | Deputation to Prime Minister Abbott. | Torres Strait Islanders |
May 2016 | Deputations to Federal Government Ministers, Shadow Ministers and cross-bench members of Parliament. | Torres Strait Islanders |
July 2016 | Deputation to Premier of Queensland, Hon. Annastacia Palaszczuk | Torres Strait Islanders |
October 2016 | Deputations to Queensland Government Ministers | Torres Strait Islanders |