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An autonomous, prosperous and sustainable community and council

Wug (St Pauls) - Mua

St Pauls (or Wug) Community is located on the northern end of Mua Island.

Mua Island is the second largest island in the Torres Strait. Similar to surrounding islands, Mua is characterised by mounds of rock and is lightly vegetated and well-watered.

St Pauls is accessible by boat or plane via the Kubin airstrip - approximately 20 minutes drive south from the community.

Language group

The language of St Pauls is Brokan (Torres Strait Creole), though many people are bilingual in Kala Lagaw Ya.


300 residents


  • Helipad at football ground with airport nearby at Kubin.
  • Regional council office
  • State school (years per-prep to year 7)
  • Health centre
  • IBIS grocery store
  • Sporting facilities - outdoor multipurpose courts, rugby league oval
  • Motel - six rooms
  • Water plant reservoirs / filtration collection wells
  • Power station
  • Barge ramp
  • Pier (small craft and passengers only)
  • Council workshop / compound
  • Guest house facilities


TSIRC operational hours

Monday to Friday, 9am - 12noon, 1pm - 4pm

Contact: Ms Peli Ware


Phone: 07 4083 2917

Visitor approval

Visitors Application Form

Refer to contact listing – Elected Councillor/ Divisional Manager/ PBC Chairs


St Pauls Lodge

For all bookings and reservations please contact Ms Susannah Sailor at the St Paul's Lodge.

Direct Line: 0497 604 931


All approved visiting guests are required to sign the Council’s visitor book to document the visit for record purposes.




Operating hours: Monday to Friday, 9am - 5:30pm

Saturday 9am - 12noon

Contact: Clara Wapau, Manager

Community social groups

PBC Group

Elder Group

Contact: Mr Jackson Ware (President)


St Pauls Church, Anglican

Fr Newman Mari

Full Gospel Church

Mr Ned Wapau

Kozan Outreach Church

Pst John Levi

Gazetted holidays

Gazetted holidays for Warraber Island Community include:

  • 25 January - St Pauls Church Day
  • 12 February - Mualgal Native Title Determination Day
  • 18 April - Kozan Outreach Church Day

Public access facilities

(none listed)