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An autonomous, prosperous and sustainable community and council

Priority Area Ten - Healthcare and wellbeing services






One of the core social determinants of health is access to appropriate health care. Residents of Torres Strait Island communities encounter consistent barriers to accessing health services and often don’t have access to preventative information and programs, further impacting on health and wellbeing inequalities, and poorer quality of life outcomes. Having to travel outside community for specialist or other health care impacts individuals and communities adversely and can lead to a resistance to seeking health care in the first instance.


What are we seeking:

  • Support the delivery of a Regional Health Symposium to evolve policies and programs aimed at meeting the existing and future preventative health needs of outer island communities, including:
    • Increased service reach, through upgrading associated facilities/infrastructure, connectivity and smart tech, to enable better access to health care for individuals and communities.
    • Development of new and sustainable funding arrangements in Torres Strait communities to ensure that services, including preventative programs, are meeting the needs of communities and to prevent any downstream impost of responsibilities and costs to Council.
    • Advocacy and support for an outer island health model; solutions for elderly and disabled resident respite care and safe housing for victims of domestic violence or abuse.


At a glance:

Most, if not all of the other priorities in this document relate in some way to better health outcomes for the people of the Torres Strait Island Region.

Health is both a right and a necessity and remains a critical indicator for Council and for the Commonwealth government’s assessment of the well being of communities.

Municipal service delivery is focused on family health and well-being, however without adequate funding, those services will continue to be reduced or de-commissioned.

The health of our communities will continue to tell a story about funding and prioritization. As funding improves, so will health outcomes improve.



An immediate start is achievable, subject to clarification of partnership models.


Why is this important for our communities? 

Residents of regional and remote communities face numerous barriers to accessing certain health services and can also lack access to preventative information and programs, having further impact on health and wellbeing inequalities, and poorer quality of life outcomes. There are also a range of other concerns, ie. social isolation and affordability, for community members required to travel for health care away from the region.










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