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An autonomous, prosperous and sustainable community and council

Our carbon footprint

In June 2015, we conducted an assessment of our carbon footprint.

The assessment focused on carbon emission generators such as:

  • electricity for running Council water and sewerage infrastructure
  • power and lighting to Council buildings
  • street lighting across Torres Strait Island communities.

We took into account fuel in council vehicles and air travel taken by staff and councillors for business.

We conducted carbon calculations using ratio factors from the:

  • Carbon Reduction Institute Pty Ltd Australia
  • Department of Sustainability - Environment, Water, Population and Communities
  • Uniquest Pty Ltd
  • University of Queensland.

The review showed a marginal decrease in emissions for 2014. The major carbon contributor is electricity at a rate of 79 per cent, followed by air travel at 13 per cent and fuels at 8 per cent.

The decrease is due to better control of air conditioning, and fuel being reflected as actual council fleet consumption.

We identified the changes to our infrastructure that could reduce our footprint. Since this report, we have installed timers on new air conditioners. This is reducing energy consumption across all islands.

The data indicated that we are improving our consumption of electricity use, which is the major contributor to emissions. We will continue to supports all staff to think wisely when using electricity.

We continue to review identified areas for improvements to reduce our carbon footprint.